Best Hashtags for Writers on Instagram and Twitter
Tartan Noir Writer

Best Hashtags for Writers

Social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram are a great way to advertise your novel. By adding carefully selected hashtags you may reach out to new readers and gain more followers. Below are the ones I use.
Best Hashtags for Writers on Instagram and Twitter

#write #writer #author #novelist #iamwriting #writing #authorslife #authorlife #writerslife #writerlife #bookreview #bookreviews #amediting #editing #writinglife #IndiePub #IndiePublishing #SelfPublishing #SelfPub

Your readers may wish to know what you like reading so I use #amreading and if I want to share writing tips with other authors I'll use #writingtip #writingtips #writertip #writerstip #writertips #writerstips #askwriter #askwriters so do consider the plurals to extend your reach.

You should also hashtag your name and the title of your book such as #cgbuswell #BuriedInGrief

Do also include tags for the genre you write, e.g. #romance #sciencefiction #horror and do include #novel #novels #book and #books, ie #romancebook I've found that I see an increase in sales due to folk seeking out a weekend read by searching Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Consider what is on the news or trending and use those keywords too.

I try to use the thirty maximum for Instagram and generally just use up to three on Twitter. I'm not sure if Facebook give them much weight, but I usually do one or two.

I tend not to use those that are too broad like #Amazon or #GoodReads #KDP #KDPSelect #Kindle #Kindlefire #Kindlebargain though you never know, they might give you that new loyal reader. If I've missed any, please get in touch and I'll add them to this list.

See also:

How Do Authors Choose Character Names?

How To Choose A Title For Your Novel

Use of Swearing in Novels

Why Authors Like Good Reviews

Writing Love Scenes in Books

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