The Grey Lady Ghost
Tartan Noir Writer

The Grey Lady Ghost

The Grey Lady Ghost Many hospitals have a Grey Lady ghost and the Cambridge Military Hospital in Aldershot had a very special one. She was thought to be a Nursing Sister of the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service from World War One. There were many rumours as to how she met her death and came to haunt the wards and top corridor and these are explored in my novel.

So how did I come to write about the Grey Lady ghost of the CMH?

I was researching the history of the hospital many years after it closed and discovered that the buildings and site were to be turned into flats and houses by a developer. This got me wondering if her spirit still walked her wards and how would she feel about not having patients in her wards anymore, or indeed would she consider the residents as her new patients?

I suffered a period of insomnia for a while when my wife was ill and in hospital. There is something about hospitals at night, especially during the solemn dark winter nights where unknowns lurk in the shadows. Having an over active mind I found myself dwelling on the Grey Lady ghost, so much so that I could visualise her in my mind. Uncannily, when my daughter, an art degree student, painted the cover several years later, she looked just like I had visualised. Spooky or what! But not as spooky as the glimpses of her I spied through the corner of my eye as I researched more and started writing her tale. It was almost as if she was looking over my right shoulder and helping me type the if you ever see me typing and stopping to glance over my right shoulder you'll know why...

» Read the first chapter for free

Watch a clip of me talking about my novel at BFBS Aldershot.

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